f(x) Chocolate Love MV is now here!

Posted by vansharry Tuesday, October 27, 2009 0 comments

As what I promised before, I'll upload f(x) version of Chocolate Love. Here it is!

Girl groups SNSD and f(x) have revealed their project titled "Chocolate Love." "Chocolate Love" was produced by Bloodshy&Avant, who was also the producer for BoA's USA debut album. The songs lyrics reveal the new chocolate phone's attractiveness like sweet chocolate.

The project involves two different versions, with SNSD singing the "Retro Pop" version which has a charismatic and vintage style, while f(x) steers in a more trendy and electronic sound. But not only are there two versions of the song but there will also be two different music videos with a girly feel from SNSD and a powerful feel from f(x).

which do u think better? SNSD or f(x)?

The project involves two different versions, with SNSD singing the "Retro Pop" version which has a charismatic and vintage style, while f(x) steers in a more trendy and electronic sound. But not only are there two versions of the song but there will also be two different music videos with a girly feel from SNSD and a powerful feel from f(x).

I've uploaded the SNSD version of Chocolate love just a few hours ago and here it is. Just enjoy. I love these girls. They're super awesomely cute and somewhat sexy. To be honest, I do enjoy their songs eventhough it may sound gay ;)But who even give a shit. I love SNSD. BTW, did i meantion that there are 2 version of this song?? ohh, yea i did. f(x) perform the electro-pop version. I'm still uploading it. Just wait ok. It won't take eternity for that one. Enjoy the MV here:

What do you think? Let's wait for f(x) version. Cheers.

We're getting hit with a double whammy of MV's today!

f(x) is officially in the k-pop business!

New SM Entertainment girl group f(x) (effects) has finally released their full MV for LaChata! Let's just say the teaser did not do it justice.

Anyway, check out the FULL MV below and discuss!

What does Lachata really mean? According to SM Entertainment, the word is a coined term of exclamation and onomatopoeia, that was inserted to heighten and dramatize the excitement of the fun song. With its easy pronounciation, the word is expected to make sensation along with the music. Agree with them?

Youtube Upload :)

Posted by vansharry 0 comments

FT Island's 3rd album Cross & Change title track music video: I hope. Released July 16th. The MV for “I Hope” off their third album, “Cross and Change,” is slightly reminiscent of Wondergirls’s “Nobody” with the rise of the group from obscurity to chart toppers in a retro setting.

Watch out on July 19th their comeback stage on SBS Inkigayo.

Lorem Ipsum

Posted by vansharry 0 comments

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel sollicitudin nisl. Donec erat nibh, congue accumsan iaculis eget, tempor ac mauris. Fusce et eros quis augue malesuada aliquet nec eu sem. Suspendisse potenti. Ut id massa odio. Cras dictum facilisis metus vel congue. Donec rutrum cursus arcu at ornare. Duis ligula enim, congue elementum convallis sed, ultrices at nulla. In condimentum sem ac metus ultricies sit amet feugiat nibh molestie. Praesent nec velit sed justo bibendum pellentesque. Vestibulum vulputate malesuada nisi ut tempus. Pellentesque nec mauris a nibh aliquet vestibulum. Vivamus pretium ipsum nec ligula viverra bibendum. Nunc pretium dictum enim, vitae aliquet diam fermentum sagittis. Vestibulum laoreet auctor augue, eget blandit sapien rhoncus laoreet. Aenean fringilla commodo elit, a vulputate orci gravida eget. Sed dignissim, mi at dignissim sagittis, lectus felis porttitor purus, vitae commodo nibh massa non mi. Sed sapien metus, consectetur sit amet tristique et, interdum a eros. Sed libero eros, tristique sit amet blandit fringilla, egestas nec risus.

Aenean hendrerit semper orci ac blandit. Donec fringilla tempus tellus quis hendrerit. Ut ullamcorper sem eget elit malesuada egestas. Fusce scelerisque egestas mauris vel sagittis. Donec sed enim at elit hendrerit tempus id auctor sapien. Proin ultricies consequat fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. In dictum imperdiet hendrerit. Nulla lobortis vehicula erat, eget semper nulla interdum eget. Sed risus urna, posuere et pharetra vel, ultricies vitae tortor.

Vestibulum ornare, velit vitae tempus tristique, sem lectus dictum sapien, eget semper diam justo id dui. Mauris scelerisque augue a diam sagittis eu semper eros aliquet. Integer commodo feugiat risus, sit amet viverra enim dapibus porttitor. Vivamus at felis erat. Ut ac purus sed erat placerat pretium id a nulla. Nulla tempor, arcu a tristique egestas, tortor diam molestie tellus, vitae tempor nisl felis ut sapien. Morbi dictum est tristique eros adipiscing lacinia. Duis nec sapien id est adipiscing molestie in eget quam. Praesent a justo non velit sagittis cursus ut non massa. Donec pulvinar aliquet lacinia. Mauris gravida pretium volutpat. Nulla tempus feugiat augue at ultrices.

Praesent non felis ante, id varius lectus. Nullam lobortis nisl sed orci fermentum nec tempus lacus dictum. Suspendisse ornare eleifend suscipit. Nulla blandit metus a lectus ornare ullamcorper aliquam ipsum gravida. Duis tempus ante vel erat pulvinar aliquet. In imperdiet porttitor tempor. Aliquam turpis mi, rhoncus vel tristique vitae, fermentum nec leo. Integer erat diam, iaculis sit amet faucibus sit amet, tempor ut metus. Proin rhoncus vulputate augue id molestie. Morbi sagittis dui vel metus luctus in elementum libero tincidunt. Proin iaculis enim ut sem pulvinar eu gravida turpis lobortis. Maecenas hendrerit aliquet metus, nec posuere arcu consectetur a. Integer eget facilisis elit. Vivamus justo sapien, viverra sit amet iaculis vitae, egestas et nisi. Nunc sed nibh ut felis pharetra porta. Integer id semper dolor. Fusce lacinia augue et tellus molestie vehicula.

Praesent sit amet mattis turpis. Maecenas tellus nulla, aliquet non facilisis id, tincidunt sed massa. Suspendisse libero felis, egestas quis facilisis ut, commodo nec diam. Proin tempus blandit tellus quis sollicitudin. Nullam felis justo, condimentum quis dictum fermentum, ultrices sit amet metus. Morbi massa dolor, dignissim quis viverra at, feugiat et neque. Vivamus quis purus diam, quis ultrices sapien. Quisque non ipsum turpis. Maecenas faucibus sollicitudin ornare. Suspendisse viverra facilisis libero ac volutpat. Vivamus ipsum ligula, molestie at scelerisque sit amet, posuere vitae est. Maecenas ac leo ornare dui imperdiet interdum.
